
Psa xs evolution driver
Psa xs evolution driver

psa xs evolution driver

Various (SNMP mode) UPS Network Management Card Rack 4200W High Efficiency Online HV USB port Rack 3750W High Efficiency Online HV USB port Short Depth Rack 2700W Online LV / HV High Efficiency, USB port Rack 4200W High Efficiency Online HV Serial port Rack 3750W High Efficiency Online HV Serial port Short Depth Rack 2700W Online LV / HV High Efficiency, Serial port Nutdrv_qx port=auto vendorid=0001 productid=0000 product=MEC0003 protocol=hunnox langid_fix=0x0409 novendor noscanlangid Universal UPS F6C1200-UNV USB (<= 2005 models, vendor id: 050d) Universal UPS F6C1100-UNV USB (2007 models, vendor id: 0665) Universal UPS F6C1100-UNV USB (<= 2005 models, vendor id: 050d) Universal UPS F6C1100-UNV serial port (<= 2005 models) Small Enterprise F6C1500-TW-RK serial port Regulator PRO-USB USB (~2000, product id: 0f51) Nutdrv_qx port=auto vendorid=0001 productid=0000 protocol=hunnox langid_fix=0x0409 novendor noscanlangidĪRTon Platinium Combo 3.1 10/15/20 kVA USBį6H375-USB USB (<= 2005 models, vendor id: 050d)į6H375-USB USB (2007 models, vendor id: 0665) Smart-UPS RT XL AP9618 SNMP monitoring card Smart-UPS SMT/SMX/SURTD Microlink models with RJ45 socket - they *require* AP9620 SmartSlot expansion card and smart cableīack-UPS XS 1000M (Back-UPS Pro 1000, Model BX1000M) USB Support level legend 1 protocol based on reverse engineering 2 based on fragments of publicly available protocol 3 based on publicly available protocol 4 vendor provided protocol 5 vendor provided protocol and hardware Filters Support Level

psa xs evolution driver psa xs evolution driver

For a list of user-reported dumps of NUT-supported devices, go visit the Devices Dumps Library.

Psa xs evolution driver