In 2010 it was estimated that 31.1% of adults (1.39 billion) worldwide had high blood pressure ( 6 ✔ ✔Trusted Source.Main reasons for high blood pressure are stress or mental tension, heredity, excess salt intake, over-weight, sedentary life-style, smoking and excess alcohol ( 5 ✔ ✔Trusted Source.When this continues to happen over time it harden the arteries and this increases the pressures even more further weakening the heart. When the pressure is high the heart exerts more force to pump the same quantity of blood within the same time.

High blood pressure can weaken your heart.Adults after the age of 40 years should get blood pressure checked at least once a year ( 4 ✔ ✔Trusted Source High blood pressure often has no signs or symptoms and is a silent disease.Must know Ten Facts about High Blood Pressure